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Artificial intelligence AI_ 4 key opportunities and challenges
Artificial intelligence (AI): 4 key opportunities and challenges

The world of Artificial Intelligence (AI) is booming, and so are AI startups. But how do you determine the true value of a company built on cutting-edge technology? Investors use a multi-faceted approach, considering not just financial metrics but also the innovative potential and long-term viability of the AI solution. Continue reading

Entity Structures and Business Values
Entity Structures and How They Impact Valuation Results

It’s not uncommon for companies to operate under a multi-entity structure. This means multiple legal entities function under one umbrella, each with its own assets, liabilities, and income streams. While this structure offers advantages, valuing such businesses requires careful consideration of the intricate web of relationships between these entities. Understanding Continue reading

How Clean Bookkeeping Influences Business Valuations
How Great Bookkeeping Influences Business Valuations

Make sure your bookkeeping is well-oiled before a valuation! Imagine you’re selling your car. To get a good price, potential buyers need to see it’s in top condition. The same goes for your business. When it’s time to sell, its financial records are like the car’s engine – they reveal Continue reading


If your business value gap analysis reveals a shortfall in business value then you will need to implement business strategies to improve your profit before you sell.

Knowing what your business value needs to reach means you can calculate your future profit, gross margin and sales targets.


Many business owners are emotionally attached to their business and the lifestyle that it affords and can put off the transition to new ownership for too long. Often we hear “if someone offers me a packet for it, we would go” but there are two questions that should be asked. Firstly how big a packet can you expect for the business and how much do you need for your retirement?


You have worked hard to make your business the very best it can be and now it is time to make sure you get rewarded for all that effort. The price that you achieve is impacted by many factors.

Make sure you put your business in the driver’s seat for the best price by securing a business succession plan now.

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