Are you a business owner looking for a change in your career or your life? A business valuation is a good place to start.

If you’re a business owner thinking some things through and come to the conclusion that you want to leave your business for a different career or even a different life, an accurate business valuation is a good starting point.

It is not surprising for the average person to want a change in career over seven times in their lifetime. Think of the number of times you switched career or even major options in your college life. For many, career or major changes have marked fulfilling turning points in their lives. For others, however, a change in career resulted in tears, frustration or regret. As such, it is critical that you get through a shift in your occupation with a plan.

A full-proof method not only ensures your change in career is smooth but also enables you to excel in the profession you choose. Consequently, you can live a better life overall and fulfill your dreams. If you are a business owner, the leap is far greater since you leave an already-stable environment to an area you are not accustomed to. However, we are here to help. Here are some tips to kick-start your campaign towards a new career.

Conducting valuations for business owners

First things first. You have to know how much your business is worth as this will how much money you will have to work with before you get your first paycheck. Engaging a firm that conducts valuations will enable you to know how to value your business. You might be able to approximate your enterprise’s value. However, getting a professional business valuation allows you to get accurate figures that can be used in the market today.

If for example, you plan on selling your business, an assessment ensures you get a fair price for it. In case you plan on first testing career waters before you step fully into a different market, you can put your business under temporary management. You can then track your its progress by conducting valuations over the years.

Evaluate any financial commitments and plan them out

Your business might be in debt. While walking into a new career, you need to be settled and focus on succeeding in the environment. Knowing how to value your business will allow you to know how much you can sell it for and pay your credit. This will relieve you of the pressure that comes from paying off debt while adjusting to your new job. You can also know the amount of money you have to survive on once you sell your business and get fully into your new career. This will give you a better view of your current financial position and help with future budgeting.

Look at possible alternatives in case of a worst case situation

Sometimes, things do not work out the way we want them to. This could be the case for your new career. Having a plan B is never a bad option. Also, going into a new career with secondary options in mind could relieve you of the stress or pressure that comes with depending wholly on the job for your livelihood. A business valuation in such a case is very useful since it informs you of your financial position. You can use the money you get from selling your business to invest in a different area and thus play it safe.

Adrien Giraud

Director – Business Improvement

P: +618 6315 2755



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